Analysis Dashboard

WeatherPy uses the citypy Python library and the OpenWeatherMap API to analyze the weather of more than 500 cities globally, at varying latitudes from the equator, to create a representative model of world cities' weather. It creates a series of scatter plots to explore the following relationships:
- Temperature (*C) vs. Latitude
- Humidity (%) vs. Latitude
- Cloudiness (%) vs. Latitude
- Wind Speed (m/sec) vs. Latitude
Some unique attributes of the WeatherPy notebook are:
- It randomly select at least 500 cities based on latitude and longitude.
- It performs successive API calls to check the day's weather for each of the cities.
- It includes a print log of each city as it's being processed with the city number and city name.
- And, it saves a CSV of all retrieved data and a PNG image for each scatter plot.